Detaljni izvedbeni plan

Akademska godina 2016. / 2017. Semestar Zimski
Studij Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij povijesti, Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij psihologije, Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij sociologije, Preddiplomski sveučilišni studij komunikologije Godina
1. - 3.


Naziv predmeta Stepinac – His Life and Times
Kratica predmeta IZBP-101 Šifra predmeta 163734
Status predmeta Izborni ECTS bodovi 4
Preduvjeti za upis predmeta Nema
Ukupno opterećenje predmeta
Vrsta nastave Ukupno sati
Predavanja 30
Seminari 15
Mjesto i vrijeme održavanja nastave HKS – prema objavljenom rasporedu


Nositelj predmeta
Ime i prezime Ines Sabotič
Akademski stupanj Doktor znanosti Zvanje Izvanredni profesor
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1) 3706 681
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu
Suradnici na predmetu
Ime i prezime Robin Harris
Akademski stupanj Doktor znanosti Zvanje
Kontakt e-mail Telefon +385 (1)
Konzultacije Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Jezik na kojem se nastava održava Engleski

In this course Blessed Alojzije Stepinac will be considered both as a Church leader and as a participant in political events. His and the Church’s attitude towards and dealings with the authoritarian regime of the first Yugoslavia and the later two totalitarian regimes – the Ustasha NDH and Communist Yugoslavia – will be analysed and compared. Particular attention will be given to the role of Stepinac in saving victims of the NDH; the struggle against Communist repression, manipulation and infiltration of the Church after 1945; the role of the Vatican throughout; and the attitude of the West to Tito after 1948. The controversies attached to Stepinac will be examined and his historical legacy assessed.

Očekivani ishodi
učenja na razini
By the end of the course, students should: 1. Understand and explain Stepinac's life and the events through which he lived, based on the best available sources. 2. Critically think and examine sources and evaluate conclusions drawn from them 3. Critically form an objective assessment of many of the contestable assertions made not just about Stepinac, but Pius XII and the Catholic Church during and after the Second World War 4. Gain the techniques and intellectual self-confidence to address other controversial issues in an analytical, pragmatic, objective and un-polemical manner, both inside and outside Croatia 5. Prompt students to consider original research on allied topics, where much material remains unknown or known only in truncated, distorted and even falsified versions. 6. Use the English language when it comes to preparing for the class, writing seminar papers and other types of writing assignments as well as hold oral presentations.

Alexander, Stella, The Triple Myth: A Life of Archbishop Alojzije Stepinac, Boulder: Columbia University Press, 1987.; Gitman, Esther, When Courage Prevailed: The Rescue and Survival of Jews in the Independent State of Croatia 1941-1945, St Paul: Paragon House, 2011, pp. 93-126.; Krišto, Jure, Sukob simbola: Politika, vjere i ideologije u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj, Zagreb: Globus, 2001, pp. 71-113, 169-254.; Lees, Lorraine M., Keeping Tito Afloat: The United States, Yugoslavia and the Cold War, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997, pp. 43-79.; Matković, Hrvoje, Povijest Jugoslavije: Hrvatski pogled, Zagreb: Pavičić, 1998, pp. 58-214.; Matković, Hrvoje, Povijest Nezavisne Države Hrvatske: Kratak pregled, Zagreb: Pavičić, 1994, pp. 57-97.


Banac, Ivo, Hrvati i Crkva: Kratka povijest hrvatskog katoličinstva u modernosti, Zagreb: Profil, 2013.; Batelja, Jure, Blaženi Alojzije Stepinac, svjedok Evanđelja ljubavi: Životopis, dokumenti i svjedočanstva – prije, za vrijeme i nakon Drugog svjetskoga rata, vols 2 and 3, Postulatura blaženoga Alojzija Stepinca, 2010.; Benigar, Aleksa, Alojzije Stepinac, hrvatski kardinal, Zagreb: Glas Koncila, 1993.; Krišto, Jure, Hrvatski katolički pokret (1903.-1945.), Zagreb: Glas Koncila, 2004.; Tko je tko u NDH: Hrvatska 1941.-1945., Zagreb: Minerva, 1997.; Vraneković, Josip, Dnevnik: Život u Krašiću zasužnjenog nadbiskupa i kardinala Alojzija Stepinca (5.XII.1951-10.II.1960), ed. Jure Batelja, Zagreb: Postulatura blaženoga Alojzije Stepinca, 2011.

Način ispitivanja i ocjenjivanja
Polaže seDa Isključivo kontinuirano praćenje nastaveNe Ulazi u prosjekDa
Preduvjeti za dobivanje
potpisa i polaganje
završnog ispita
  1. Class Attendance: mandatory 70% attendance is required;
  2. Seminar Assignments: in-class presentation and seminar paper;
  3. A minimum of 35% of the grade should be acquired through regular course activities: seminar assignments and two midterm exams
Način polaganja ispita
  1. Course activities: seminar assignments; Midterm Exam 1 (written), Midterm Exam 2 (written)
  2. Final Exam (oral)
Način ocjenjivanja

Grading Scale:


Satisfactory (2) – 50 do 64,9%

Good (3) – 65 do 79,9%

Very Good (4) – 80 do 89,9%

Excellent (5) – 90 do 100%


Final Grade Calculation:

a) In-class Activities – 70%

  •      Seminar Assignments – 20%
  •      Midterm 1 – 25%
  •      Midterm 2 – 25%

b) Final Exam – 30%

Detaljan prikaz ocjenjivanja unutar Europskoga sustava za prijenos bodova
VRSTA AKTIVNOSTI ECTS bodovi - koeficijent
opterećenja studenata

Pohađanje nastave 1.2 0
Seminarsko izlaganje 0.6 20
Kolokvij-međuispit 0.7 25
Kolokvij-međuispit 0.7 25
Ukupno tijekom nastave 3.2 70
Završni ispit 0.8 30
UKUPNO BODOVA (nastava+zav.ispit) 4 100
Datumi kolokvija Week 7 and Week 15
Datumi ispitnih rokova Prema objavljenom rasporedu


Tjedan Tema
1. The Sources
2. Early Life, Vocation and the Archbishopric
3. The First Yugoslavia
4. The NDH – dealing with the rulers
5. The NDH – assisting the victims
6. 1945 – Regime Change
7. Mid term I
8. The Imposition of Communism
9. Show-trial
10. Imprisonment in Lepoglava
11. Internment in Krašić
12. Outside Krašić – Church and State
13. Death, burial, aftermath, legacy
14. The Controversies today
15. Mid term II
Tjedan Tema
1. The Sources
2. Early Life, Vocation and the Archbishopric
3. The First Yugoslavia
4. The NDH – dealing with the rulers
5. The NDH – assisting the victims
6. 1945 – Regime Change
7. Mid term I
8. The Imposition of Communism
9. Show-trial
10. Imprisonment in Lepoglava
11. Internment in Krašić
12. Outside Krašić – Church and State
13. Death, burial, aftermath, legacy
14. The Controversies today
15. Mid term II